Textile Code • a new ethical code

Precarious Architecture presents: Textile Code

A new ethical code for upcycling scrap wool

A social enhancement project is born starting from a company’s discarded material. Quality wool is crafted for producing warm blankets for volunteer associations assisting homeless people in the territory. The Textile Code label contains information on solidarity, sharing, assistance and support, but also on reuse and environmental sustainability.

Using it is simple: just take a photo to the code with an app installed on your smartphone!

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Quality wool is crafted for producing warm blankets for volunteer associations assisting homeless people in the territory

Textile Code: the story

Textile Code‘s story begins with the discovery of discarded material stored by a wool mill. We found many unused textile rolls with the same intrinsic values, quality and codes of the products destined for the market.

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Unused textile rolls with the same quality of the products destined for the market

The idea is to create a new Textile Code for a social enhancement project.

We transform this wool in warm blankets that will be donated to associations assisting homeless on the territory. The code becomes a label on the blanket, and contains information on solidarity, support, reuse and environmental sustainability.

Wool continues its journey with a new destination: many people that live at the side of our society, for whom the fall / winter season doesn’t represent a collection but the struggle for surviving against the cold.

piegatura-coperta Textile Code • a new ethical code
Wool continues its journey with a new destination: many people that live at the side of our society, for whom the fall / winter season represents the struggle for surviving against the cold

The Textile Code team

Textile Code is an idea by a team of professionals, working in the fields of architecture, design and fashion, linked by a common passion for environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

Textile Code is a project created and developed by Francesca Modolo, Maria De Fornasari, Alessandro Zorzetto and Piter Perbellini.


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